本帖最后由 seozhao 于 2017-1-9 10:39 编辑
优化网站: wallstreettequila.org
网站问题: 该网站包含中英文,网站较新,很多页面没有完善等
做英文Google 优化必须全网站英文,否则不利于SEO。由于客户原因无法全网修改为英文文字。则建议将宣传类,广告类的文字改为英文。
2. 将框住的部分加上英文地址
Wall Street Tequila is a full-service career coaching platform with the intent of helping students to meet various stages of career developmental needs by providing customized mentorship program delivered by professional mentors, as well as a wide range of internship opportunities for the students to improve their industry knowledge and enhance their professional skill sets. (此处空行,用户体验会好些)
WST mentors are highly selective that they all have work experiences at world renowned investment banks (such as JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Citi) and consulting firm (such as BCG, Bain&Co.). They are all scattered around the world at locations such as NYC, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Hong Kong, London, and Shanghai. Thus, they have extensive experiences in job hunting and career development. They can provide multi-faceted and 100% tailored tutorships to help you achieve career accomplishment.
4. 请确认以下红框中的文字应该是mentors还是mentees?
About Wall Street Tequila 的文字上,即,点击 About Wall Street Tequila 即可进入上方 More 的相关链接 http://wallstreettequila.org/about/。
5. 以下箭头指向的文字
1)请给404页面加上跟首页一样的头部和底部样式 2)请尽快将该页面的链接完善,可链接至wallstreettequila.org/team/
7. 以下箭头指向的链接打开页面跟当前页面重复 请尽快完善该页面。可设置链接到注册页面或登录页面,判断为已登录可链接到项目申请页面。
8. 两个OFFERS页面中
如果能加上获得offer的时间会更有说服力,至少在wallstreettequila.org/2017-season/ 这个页面中能加上时间。时间格 式可为:2016/7/2
TEAM PAGE 9. 以下箭头指向的文字
建议修改为 ABOUT,About WST 和 Team 作为 ABOUT 的下级目录。鼠标移到 ABOUT 时,展示 About WST 在 Team 之上。
About WST 就用wallstreettequila.org/about/ 页面的链接和内容。Team 就用wallstreettequila.org/team/页面 的链接和内容。
ABOUT PAGE 10.wallstreettequila.org/about/ 页面中,下图 1) 建议将What We Do内容修改为
Wall Street Tequila is a full-service career coaching platform with the intent of helping students to meet various stages of career developmental needs by providing customized mentorship program delivered by professional mentors, as well as a wide range of internship opportunities for the students to improve their industry knowledge and enhance their professional skill sets.
2) Who We Are 文字修改为
WST mentors are highly selective that they all have work experiences at world renowned investment banks (such as JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Citi) and consulting firm (such as BCG, Bain&Co.). They are all scattered around the world at locations such as NYC, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Hong Kong, London, and Shanghai. Thus, they have extensive experiences in job hunting and career development. They can provide multi-faceted and 100% tailored tutorships to help you achieve career accomplishment.
What We Do ———————————————————————————————————————————
Wall Street Tequila is a full-service career coaching platform with the intent of helping students to meet various stages of career developmental needs by providing customized mentorship program delivered by professional mentors, as well as a wide range of internship opportunities for the students to improve their industry knowledge and enhance their professional skill sets.
Who We Are ———————————————————————————————————————————
WST mentors are highly selective that they all have work experiences at world renowned investment banks (such as JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Citi) and consulting firm (such as BCG, Bain&Co.). They are all scattered around the world at locations such as NYC, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Hong Kong, London, and Shanghai. Thus, they have extensive experiences in job hunting and career development. They can provide multi-faceted and 100% tailored tutorships to help
you achieve career accomplishment.
wallstreettequila.org/team/ 这个页面同样部分也建议做同样的修改。